Comprehensive Fit

If you’re regularly spending longer than 1.5 hours in the saddle, whether in road, gravel, time trial, triathlon or mountain bike, our in-depth professional Comprehensive Bike Fit is for you. We will ensure you’re in the optimum position on your bike for gains in speed, efficiency and comfort, and help to prevent or resolve injuries. It’s for riders across all cycling disciplines, and we’ll tailor your fit to your personal goals, whether that’s optimised towards comfortable long distance rides, or aerodynamically optimised for racing.

If you’re cycling less than 1.5 hours at a time and mainly for leisure or commuting, a Starter Bike Fit may be more suited to your needs. Get in touch if you’re not sure which bike fit would be best.

How it works

  • We’ll start by assessing your current position with your bike on a turbo trainer, understanding what you want to gain from your fit, your problem areas, and any current/previous injuries.

  • We then complete an off-bike biomechanical assessment of your posture, stability, range of motion/flexibility, body asymmetries (eg leg length discrepancy) and contact points (foot and pelvic structure) of the bike to understand your strengths, weaknesses and any functional limitations we are working to.

  • Your current bike’s position will be transferred to the fitting jig, and each contact point will be optimised for your body and riding style.

  • Position changes of your contact points include:

    • Cleat positioning and foot support

    • Saddle selection and positioning

    • Pedal stroke and crank length assessment

    • Handlebar width selection and positioning

  • Then your new position will be recreated on your existing bike as necessary:

    • Components may be changed to match your bike to your fit

    • Additional tuning will be specific to any current bike geometry limitations

    • Your position on your bike will be reassessed

    • Finally, your brake lever positioning and brake reach will be fine-tuned

  • You’ll receive your bike fit data along with further recommendations via email

£360 4 hours + parts required to fit

Includes a free Follow Up Fit and exchange or return of components fitted by us within three months of the original bike fit.

Book a Comprehensive Fit

Choose your preferred date and time below, then pay at your appointment.

This bike fit can also be purchased as a Gift Voucher

Tim’s extremely knowledgeable and passionate about what he does and that comes through in his approach to getting the right fit. I’d bought a new bike and not had a fit for years, after one session he’d sorted out a number of niggles I’d had with my existing postition. He then offered me a great deal to cut the steerer and fit me exactly onto my new bike. He’s got a very progressive attitude and is dialled in to all the latest thinking on fit, aero and position.
— Graham, February 2024
Had a comprehensive fit recently with Tim and I can highly recommend it. I’d always wondered about getting a proper fit and now wish I’d done this years ago. In the scheme of things it’s definitely money well spent to improve comfort and performance on the bike.

Tim helped with changes to my set up on my two bikes, but also provided lots of great general advice on suitable frame/fit options for when I look to buy a new bike. He clearly has loads of real world cycling experience which is invaluable.
— Bhavesh, May 2024

Got any questions?

Send us an email, we’ll be happy to talk in more detail.